Whales of Hawaii: Keepers of Enchantment

March 2018 Maui, Hawaii

My love and fascination with whales began when I was a young child. Living in the heart of the Midwest, Life had to be a bit creative in bringing them to my attention. Ever since I saw my first whale on TV while sitting in my 3rd grade classroom, they have held a special place in my heart.

spermwhaleCetaceans of all shapes and sizes have played a profound role in my life because they awakened me to a greater vision of myself, and to something wonderful and magical in this world. In my most darkest times a whale would somehow appear, and for that moment I would be uplifted and inspired to seek joy and to become enchanted with life again.

The Humpback whales of Maui had called to me throughout most of my life until I finally moved there in late 2001, where I spent a beautiful 5 years studying them. During that time I was privileged to witness countless instances of people from all walks of life being returned to a state of childlike innocence. It was only a matter of time before I knew that part of my work in the world was to bring humans and whales together for a wondrous exchange of medicine.breachingwhale

For so many, pain, grief, anger and anxiety are all too familiar emotions. Left unattended, the human experience can seem harsh, unforgiving and dull. If we are not careful, we can forget the parts of ourselves that are young at heart, alive, hopeful and powerful. What I have witnessed, time and again, is that Life is aware of the challenges and the seemingly endless upward climb. And in response, the Spirit of LIfe created these gentle giants to hold for us the truth and memory of the extraordinary aspects within us and those here on Earth.

If you long to be reminded of your extraordinary nature, if you wish to receive a boost towards returning to a state of enchantment with the world and your life path, I invite you to join me for a special retreat with the Whales of Maui.


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